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What I offer

olson davidson communications

olson davidson communications

odc is a resource towards an equitable path for you and your company. it can be your chief of staff, your eyes on the ground and an honest mirror to the kind of work you want to do in the world. we are a resource for the workforce with the intention of remaining an ally to the people.


executive administration

executive administration

I have been the right hand to many livings things. from creative endeavours to the c-suite of a tech startup, I have always been helping towards a bigger picture. let me get you organised and help in the room towards a bigger, better thing. it's about all of us and the new good we want to create.

audience curation

audience curation

I know how to sell. as a trained performer, it is in my muscles to read the room. in this new day of work, it's essential to know how to constantly adapt to how that changes and go-with-the-flow of client first. let me help and make the audience love you, every step of the way.

customer satisfaction extraordinaire

customer satisfaction extraordinaire

with a decade of restaurants under my belt and a history of customer-facing work in many sectors, let me at 'em. I love people; I love feeding them, managing them and helping create the best experience possible. let's enjoy the work we do and the people we serve, for all we have is each other.

idea guy

idea guy

I really can think on my feet. with an education (actually certified) in improv, I know how to find an idea from everywhere. in the a world that's ever-changing, a good pivot can make or break the day. let's come into it with humour and humility to give the best of performances.

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Skills (/)
  • i.e. Research
  • i.e. Branding
  • people-person
  • empathy advocate
  • connector of minds
  • lover of change
  • addicted to forgiveness
  • more
  •  ...hide

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