What I offer

Research and standardization of 3GPP radio communication technologies
Attending standardisation meetings on behalf of your company. Working remotely with your team, wherever they are in the world. Non-disclosure agreements for all parties, safeguarding your confidence. Part-time consultancy contracts, bringing experience and expertise at the right time.

Several years attendance to 3GPP RAN working groups as delegate and specification editor/rapporteur. Experience from mobile broadband, IoT, and satellite communication. Understanding of product-driven standardization.

Standards support as a neutral party
Provide official reports of 3GPP meetings as a neutral party and representative of a standards setting organization. Contribute to development of online platform to enable new drafting processes.

Product development
Development of algorithms and features for radio access networks. Radio frequency engineering and performance testing of mobile phones.

Inventor and co-inventor of several telecom patents including standards essential patents.