I’ve been using data science and advanced analytics to discover and reveal hidden answers to business problems for companies large and small for 20 years. You may need a data and analytical organizational structure built, highly complex analysis skills applied, or actionable plans created from your company’s data insights. I provide best-in-class thought leadership around all topics data science and analysis to drive consumer behaviors.
What I offer
Responsible AI Strategy
Whether you are just getting started with AI or have been integrating data science and machine learning for years, the new advancements are changing everything. Make sure your organization doesn't become a negative news story by establishing a responsible AI framework for your teams.
Data can be used to answer most questions and solve most problems. Let's talk about what you are trying to do and what data you have access to. We can design an approach to use that data and solve those problems.
■ Developed Machine Learning Governance and Responsible AI program for Fortune 500 CPG company, reducing risk in organization-wide application of advanced analytics methodologies.
■ Led technological and business collaboration in the development of an executive-level roadmap, case for change, and technology roadmap for a world-renowned energy company related to $50 million net new revenue generation based on data.
■ Drove performance and low turnover during pandemic with 3X new project output compared to peer teams.
■ Eradicated inconsistent engagement and “hobby projects” costing $5M+ and, in six months, launched phase-gate process to qualify and produce revenue-driving projects.
■ Reverse engineered data sets to protect consumer privacy and conceived data aggregation methodology, enabling millions of dollars in licensing revenue.
■ Partnered on new products accounting for 25% of an entire business line’s revenue and $8M/year high-margin revenue.
■ Produced behavioral segmentation for country’s largest financial services organization; identified means to reduce 50% of call center costs.
■ Led analysis, helping one product go to market 12 months faster than competitors and take over 79% of a $1B consumer grocery segment.