Home Our community Member directory Nicola Twiston Davies


What I offer

1:1 Portfolio and Career Coaching

1:1 Portfolio and Career Coaching

I’m a purpose-driven entrepreneur and founder of Game Plan Life Coaching, where I work with individuals and groups to help them get clear on what they really want from life, then create the game plan to make it happen. I hold an ACC with the International Coaching Federation

Online Event Hosting

Online Event Hosting

Catch me every month (excluding December) facilitating and hosting The Portfolio Collective's community events. I run the Member Networking and Fireside Panels with 2-3 of our awesome members in order to bring you insights and clear actions to help you with your portfolio career. Come along!

Event Management

Event Management

Running an event as a one-off? Maybe it's an annual thing. I'm the Project Manager you were looking for. From communications to vendors and your team to coming up with a creative solution to keep people engaged - I deliver it for you. Plug me into your dream event and let's go!

Your Play Strategist

Your Play Strategist

With years of launching and running games sessions behind me and a passion for the psychology of play (which I channel into my coaching workshops). I would love to work with you on how to bring more joy and engagement to your project as your thinking partner. Get in touch and let's talk!

Something different for work socials

Something different for work socials

Partnered with Board Game company, Big Potato Games, I come to your work place or social venue with my team of game gurus, armed with games and ready to host your team of 4 - 140! Big or small, strategic or creative, we have something to entertain for all events from away days to Christmas parties.


Big Potato Games - Head of Corporate Events and Big Night In Founder

Big Potato Games - Head of Corporate Events and Big Night In Founder

In 2018, I launched, created and developed an arm of Big Potato Games called Big Night In (BNI). BNI is games hosting designed for professionals to integrate teams. I have hosted team building days for companies from Sky to Lonely Planet, Transfer Wise to RBS and everyone in-between!

Life Coach

Life Coach

Animas Qualified and ACC accredited with the ICF, I started my private life coaching practice in 2020 and haven't looked back. Under Game Plan, I run 1:1 coaching sessions and workshops on demand. Have a look on my site to learn more.

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Roles (/)
  • i.e. Marketing director
  • i.e. Mentor
  • Life Coach
  • Facilitator
  • Public Speaker
  • Events Specialist
  • Gamemaster
  • Entrepreneurship
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Industries (/)
  • i.e. Tech
  • i.e. Education
  • Wellness and fitness services
  • Mental health care
  • Events services
  • Team building
  • Coaching
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Career experience

10-20 years

  • Europe, 
  • Africa, 
  • Middle East
  •  ...show more
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Skills (/)
  • i.e. Research
  • i.e. Branding
  • Building a business
  • Bringing people together
  • Problem solver
  • Host and Presenter
  • Mindset coach
  • Organiser
  • Career Coach
  • Mentor
  • Community Facilitation
  •  ...show more
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Keywords (/)
  • i.e. Digital nomad
  • i.e. Ex-Google
  • mindset coach
  • social entrepreneur
  • play enthusiast
  • speaking Spanish
  • terrible at Linkee
  • Career Coaching
  • Startup mentor
  •  ...show more
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