A visionary Entrepreneur who excels at intelligence and systems design. My superpower is simplifying complexity. 30 years of global experience across 5 continents and over 100 countries in strategy, business development, start-ups, multinationals, NGOs, marketing, general management, journalism and media. I love to be told that something is not possible. The harder the challenge, the happier I am.
What I offer
RWC Investments
Mixed commercial/residential rental property development in the Overberg region of the Western Cape in South Africa.
We are focused on using shipping containers to create affordable residential accommodation and commercial spaces for the SME sector.
Skills not CVs. Propl is a Norwegian-based HRtech start-up. Rather than focus on CVs and cover letters, Propl will use gamification for hiring of entry-level positions.
TERN is a UK social enterprise and nonprofit that supports refugee entrepreneurs in the creation and development of their businesses. They provide services throughout the different stages of setting up a business and are always in need of experienced volunteers.