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Why we’re crowdfunding

Two years ago the world changed dramatically. The pandemic shook up our norms and made us realise that better ways of working were possible. We could have flexible careers; we could do the work that we loved; and our professional development, salaries and routines didn’t need to be dictated by an employer. ©The Portfolio Collective … Continued

Three easy ways to stand out and land work

We all have different styles of working, and by extension, unique ways of landing clients. Some love the thrill of the chase, hunting down harder-to-land prospects just to prove they can convert a tricky lead. Others rely heavily on their network to make introductions and follow the web of potential customers that extend from there. … Continued

How to determine your true value

We’re taught to measure our self-worth by how successful we are and how much money we make. In reality, it’s about so much more than that. It’s about how much you enjoy what you do. It’s about the values that shape every project you work on. More importantly, it’s about the uniqueness you bring to … Continued

The best UK banks for independent professionals

Money is one of the leading causes of stress in most people’s lives. In fact, it’s often ranked in the top five biggest stressors, along with politics, marriage, divorce and changing jobs. So when you make the shift into a portfolio career, the looming thought of sorting out your finances can get a bit overwhelming. … Continued

Why personal branding is an integral part of your portfolio career

Did you know that 3.8 billion people currently use social media? According to Hootsuite, there are up to 675 million users on LinkedIn each month, and only 30 million of those are companies. The rest are passionate and enthusiastic professionals looking to take that next step in their career.  So if you’re just starting out … Continued

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