With 3 successful tech companies behind me - I'm now helping other SaaS CEOs with gnarly Product, Tech and Scaling challenges.
With both a deep Technical background, and Marketing & Product experience- I help CEO's (and CTOs) move forward more rapidly with healthy debate around Product roadmap, market delivery and technology choices suitable at different stages of scaling
What I offer
Helping an OpenSource tech CEO accelerate both core product and sales
It's a classic challenge for an Open Source company, to monetise with paying client projects and services around the core, free (open source) , software.
Successfully past their start-up and now facing scaling up challenges: productising services, reducing tech mismatch between Core and custom.
National Charity CEO - new CTO and accelerated tech pace change
Whilst I prefer scale-up and entrepreneurial organisations, in this case the special help I can provide with the CEO, as the organisation enters it's 3rd decade and with 100's of staff; now takes on board the shift to be software driven, not merely a NGO that uses some software written in house!
The CEO role really only starts once past Start-up and into scaling: that's when the plethora of possible next steps have to be brainstormed down to the most important ones: that's when tricky tech decisions have to be thrashed : between good-enough for now vs. better be the right foundation!
Starting the company, building the team and scaling it up - to currently support 60 UK blue-chip retailers; where their Headoffice eCommerce teams depend 24/7 on the CX-measuring SaaS services provided: like Mystery Shopping on steroids: identifying friction that loses baskets.
Raised the finance, wrote the plan and built the team - providing niche B2B eCommerce store security services in the crazy, rapid time of Internet adoption after 2000 Y2K.
Honed my product roadmap skills, and used my deep tech awareness of what is possible; I sold the company for 7 figures.
The UK Internet started not in London but Canterbury ! - a spin off from Kent Uni: I came down to write the business plan, and take 3 tech guys from the computer lab, and build into a team of 50, with B2B clients of all the household names.
It was an amazing learning curve -the pace of change.