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The state of portfolio careers in 2024

We’ve been preaching the gospel of portfolio careers for nearly four years now – longer, in fact, if you count the time we spent building and explaining our own multifaceted careers before The Portfolio Collective came into existence.That’s because fractional work is here to stay. It’s not becoming the norm; we’re already there, with 47% … Continued

Future-proofing for a new world: Nikita’s story

Ever since she left university, Nikita Khandwala knew she wanted to craft an intentional and meaningful career. Now, she helps others do the same, and she’s a shining example of the new generation of Gen-Z portfolio professionals. She’s fascinated by what the future of careers will look like and passionate about empowering individuals to be … Continued

Meet the team: Charlie Rogers

Being passionate about what you do and finding work that aligns with your values is so important. At a young age, Charlie Rogers realised there were other ways to approach working – he could have a purpose-driven career, and he could do it on his own terms. That ignited an interest in the future of … Continued

You asked, we answered: personal branding edition

We could talk all day about how important it is to have a strong personal brand. No really. As portfolio professionals, no matter what stage of career you’re at, having a personal brand that is memorable, relatable and true to who you are is so so important. Think of your personal brand as the foundation … Continued

Why are more women choosing portfolio careers?

Growing up, I watched my parents work tirelessly in several different jobs, so that they could give me and my siblings the best start in life. Their incredible work ethic was not only a huge inspiration to me, but it was infectious and has been something that has constantly motivated me throughout my career and … Continued

How to build an awesome senior team on a tight budget

When you’re a cash-strapped startup or scaleup, there is always more to do than people to do it. People are expensive, and it takes time to find great talent. So how do you get as much done as possible, whilst keeping payroll on budget? How do you maintain the flexibility to be able to ramp … Continued

How to create quality content for your personal brand

What defines ‘quality content’? It can be mercurial, but you need to define it for your business to know whether your content hits the mark.If you fancy some light background reading, here are 35+ definitions of what ‘quality’ means in content. These definitions are full of value bombs from experts from Google, Microsoft, agencies, government … Continued

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The first-ever Portfolio Career Festival is here

13 Nov 2024 | The Ministry of Sound, London

Join us for a transformative day of discovering, brand-building and networking.