As portfolio professionals, we make money in a variety of ways - freelance work, running businesses, consulting, teaching, entrepreneurship and other general gig situations - so how can we...
The average person consumes roughly 74GB of information per day - that’s the equivalent of 16 movies - and most of that’s already forgotten 24 hours later. So what...
Planning is a hugely important part of running a business. It keeps you focused, helps you discover the areas where you deliver the most value - and it allows...
Being passionate about what you do and finding work that aligns with your values is so important. At a young age, Charlie Rogers realised there were other ways to...
We could talk all day about how important it is to have a strong personal brand. No really. As portfolio professionals, no matter what stage of career you’re at,...
What defines ‘quality content’? It can be mercurial, but you need to define it for your business to know whether your content hits the mark.If you fancy some light...
Portfolio careers are a great way to monetise your skills, creating multiple revenue streams and allowing you to follow your passion while earning the income your experience deserves. A...
The pandemic gave professionals everywhere an opportunity to rethink their career paths. We have seen more and more successful professionals and executives reinventing themselves, spinning up side hustles and launching...
According to a recent report by Airtasker, 46% of workers in the UK currently have a side hustle. In the US, that number sits at roughly 34%, with 61 million people...