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Becoming a force for good: Zed’s story

It’s safe to say that Zarir (Zed) Vakil has well and truly embraced the portfolio career lifestyle. As a Fractional and interim CEO and Commercial Director, business growth consultant, non-executive director (NED), mentor and peer-to-peer forum leader (amongst other things!) Zed’s passion is spurred on by a desire to inspire business leaders and investors as … Continued

Why founders need mentors more than ever before

I never planned on becoming a mentor. I was a shoe designer turned lecturer supporting startups and SMEs in the footwear and creative industries. Then I had a brief dalliance as a fractional head of product and co-founder of an automotive accessory startup – and by dalliance, I mean a bit of a car crash. It … Continued

How expert planning can transform the way you approach project work

Client relationships are an important part of any portfolio career. In fact, 56% of leaders describe this as the highest impact driver, especially when it comes to ensuring repeat business and referrals. When you’re working on a fractional or consulting basis, you’re jumping in to solve a problem, and you want to be remembered as … Continued

A portfolio career 20 years in the making: Mike’s Story

Mike Richardson is someone who has really embraced the portfolio career lifestyle throughout his career. Starting off as an engineer in the oil and gas industry and then moving into the corporate world, Mike took the leap into being his own boss and launching his own portfolio career 20 years ago. As a thought leader, … Continued

Crafting a lifestyle not a career: Jake’s story

Jake Boomhauer has always had a portfolio career, without even realising it, with his main gig working in the public sector and side hustles as a NED and mentor. Now as he makes huge strides into the startup world, advising platforms and communities focused on social good and founding his own community interest company, he … Continued

Elegant swans and messy ducks: Maria Evans’ story

For much of her professional life, Maria Evans was determined to project a swan-like air of composure. She didn’t want the cracks to show; she was afraid of what would happen if her messy underbelly was exposed. But what she learned, through years of hiding her flaws beneath the surface, was that perfectionism is toxic. … Continued

Leaving the linear path: Kai-Erik’s story

Kai-Erik Sunell always knew he had a passion for engineering – so much so that he spent almost 30 years working as a researcher, developer and standardisation delegate in telecommunications and radio technologies for international companies. Yet something about that path just wasn’t working. It was too linear. Too focused on the now and not … Continued

What type of portfolio career is right for you?

There’s something to be said about refusing to settle for the status quo. We get it – a traditional 9-to-5 career isn’t for everyone. In fact, we’ve built a whole community on that concept. Every day, more and more professionals are shifting from the narrow focus of a single corporate job to something flexible and … Continued

What is a portfolio professional?

Many of us have spent our lives chasing the misconception that careers are meant to be linear. You get a job, move your way up, and eventually retire with a smooth path in the rear view mirror. In reality, many people get stuck on a path that turns out very different to expected. Or they … Continued

Portfolio Journey Series: Cara de Lange

With career foundations in business administration for global organisations, including Google, Cara has taken her mental health advocacy to the next level, continuing her portfolio career as a wellbeing and business consultant, founder, author, and changemaker. Reflecting on the burnouts we can experience both in “traditional” and portfolio careers, Lexi caught up with Cara on … Continued

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