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Ways to stay top of mind as a portfolio professional

The average person consumes roughly 74GB of information per day – that’s the equivalent of 16 movies – and most of that’s already forgotten 24 hours later. So what does that mean for portfolio professionals trying to sell their services? Needless to say, it’s harder than ever to stand out.  Think about how much spam you … Continued

How to create a stronger TPC profile

Being part of the The Portfolio Collective community is about more than just expanding your network and strengthening your skillset – it’s about defining who you are (and who you want to be) as a portfolio professional. And it’s about building a thriving, satisfying  career and life. It is difficult. That’s why we work tirelessly … Continued

How to tell people what you do as a portfolio professional

We all have different names for what we do – portfolio professional, multi-hyphenate, side hustler, freelancer, solopreneur. What these labels have in common is that they represent an ability to grow and learn across multiple fields, but they don’t necessarily convey everything that you offer. If you’re like me, you probably do a dozen different things. … Continued

How to master remote networking

There is no doubt that networking is a vital tool in creating your ideal portfolio career. Professionals who spend 6.3 hours a week networking agree that it played a crucial role in their success, and, according to LinkedIn, 85% of all jobs are filled through networking. However, our challenge today is not only working out … Continued

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