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How to create a stronger TPC profile


Being part of the The Portfolio Collective community is about more than just expanding your network and strengthening your skillset – it’s about defining who you are (and who you want to be) as a portfolio professional. And it’s about building a thriving, satisfying  career and life. It is difficult. That’s why we work tirelessly to help our members understand, launch, manage and grow their portfolio careers.

In order for us to help any member, you need to create a robust and distinct TPC profile. A well curated profile opens doors to new opportunities because it allows you to clearly display your unique offerings, skills, passions and related experiences to potential clients and collaborators. It’s the best way for others to 1) find you, and 2) determine whether you’ll be able to help them solve their biggest problems and achieve great things together. 

We understand that your story is constantly evolving, so be sure to refresh your profile every few months. 

Let’s get started

Don’t worry, we’ve made the profile editing process nice and easy. All you have to do is click on your avatar in the top right corner of the navigation bar and select “View my profile”. 

From there, you can edit all the profile sections directly on the page – from your images and bio to your skills and offerings.

There are 6 distinct sections for you to complete:

Each section is designed to showcase the diversity of the skills, values and experiences you bring to the table, as well as the things you’re passionate about and the services you can provide for clients.

In other words, this is so much more than a CV – it’s your personal brand, and it’s an intimate glimpse into everything that makes you profoundly unique and an expert in what you do.

Section 1: Profile image and bio

A good place to start is the section right at the top. This is where you can upload a profile photo, choose a cover image, add a bio and tell us where you’re based.

Choose imagery that tells us who you are, not just what you do

Your profile picture and cover image are the first impression of you on the platform. So don’t stick with the generic placeholder that comes standard when you sign up. Make your page unique to you.

You want to pick a profile photo that’s professional, yet approachable. Keep in mind it will be inside a circular frame, so your head and shoulders should be centred with a background that is clean and clear.

Your cover image, on the other hand, can be a bit more playful. Think of it as a way to visually show your background, skills and passions.

Don’t have the time to dig up a picture? Not a problem. We’ve built a handy search function right into the profile editor that allows you to find royalty-free images from Unsplash without leaving the page.

Simply click the “Choose a stock image” button on the right column of the image selector and start searching. Once you’ve picked the right one, you can zoom in on the part of the photo you like best.

Just note that you can’t use Unsplash for your profile photo – that has to be all you!

Tell us where you’re based

The Portfolio Collective is a global community, so there will be other members near you who are keen to connect, co-work and collaborate. Knowing your location also helps potential collaborators and clients know whether you might be suitable for an in-person work opportunity that comes up. 

As we introduce more in-person events around the world, sharing your home town can also help us figure out which ones are most relevant to you. 

Create a unique bio that goes beyond the average CV

Don’t just copy over your career history from LinkedIn – tell us about the Why that drives you. What are you passionate about? What do you value most in the work you do and the clients you work with? Where do you want to take your portfolio career?

You have 450 characters to tell us about you – so make every letter count!

Section 2: What I offer

This section does exactly what it says on the tin – it tells potential clients what you offer. What problems do you solve? What projects would you like to be involved in? What intellectual property do you bring to the table? This includes any unique approaches, services, insights, network and passions you offer your clients.

And it’s the perfect place to showcase your approach, in a tangible way, that makes potential clients confident that you can solve their specific dilemma.

Give us the full picture

Don’t just tell us what you do – show us. Each offering you add allows you to have a project title, description, link and image. The more insight you give, the more you’ll be understood. So make sure to consider all the ways you can bring your offerings to life.

Adding a photo will help your offering stand out, meaning it’s more likely to catch someone’s eye when they’re scanning through your profile. We recommend using original imagery where possible. If you don’t have a photo of your own, think carefully about picking an image from Unsplash that really emphasises the offering. 

To edit this section, click “Add an offering” or the pencil icon in the top right corner of any offerings you’ve already included. You can upload an image or search for one on Unsplash by clicking the “Add image” button and following the same steps you did when choosing a cover photo.

Our top tip: Try to include more than one offering if you can – that way we can understand the full complexity and diversity of your portfolio career. It doesn’t have to just be something you’re currently doing – it can also be an offering you’re planning on introducing down the line.

Section 3: Experiences

Think of your experiences as a visual celebration of all the cool (and relevant) stuff you’ve done. That could be a high level overview of a specialisation you have or it could be something amazing you built like an agency or an online community.

Portfolio careers aren’t linear - and your profile doesn’t have to be either

You don’t have to list out past employers in a chronological list. Rather, this is your opportunity to showcase your accomplishments, skills, passions and ability to deliver.

It’s about more than just job titles – it’s highlighting all the amazing results you’ve achieved and things you’ve learned. Did you launch a course? Did you organise an event? Did you publish a report? Did you raise capital? Did you navigate a merger or complete a successful exit? And what about all the qualifications and awards you have under your belt?

This is your opportunity to establish proof points and solidify your credibility. And it’s a great complement for the “What I offer” section because it allows you to zoom in on specific experiences that reiterate just how valuable your skillset really is.

Don’t forget to showcase your quirky experiences too. We have members who run charities, race drones, play instruments, enjoy endurance sports and even perform in the circus. The most memorable profiles are the ones that feel more human. So add some personal passions and hobbies to really bring your full picture to life. 

Section 4: Career snapshot

One of the things that makes a TPC profile so impactful is its ability to highlight the multitude of skills and services that portfolio professionals have to offer. We’re not just limited by one thing; we’re passionate about a variety of projects.

That’s why we made sure your profile allows you to showcase EVERYTHING that you do. 

The career section on the left hand side of the page highlights the many roles you juggle, the industries you work in and the years of experience you have. It also lets you tell the community know if you’re open to working in different regions.

Think about differentiation

It’s important to include the same language people might use when they’re searching for someone with your expertise – but you also need to stand out from the crowd. When listing your roles and industries, remember to add the niche things too. And don’t be afraid to put your quirky interests in the mix.

Are you a lawyer and a gin taster? Then include both! It’s all about showcasing how broad and unique your services are.

Don’t be intimidated by career experience

Some people have worked in their industries for 20+ years, and that’s great. But that doesn’t mean you need to have several decades under your belt to be amazing at what you do. Portfolio professionals come in all shapes and sizes – and that means age brackets too.

We’ve seen some absolute trail blazers who are in their 20s and 30s as well as in their late 50s and 60s. If you haven’t been in your career very long, spend some extra time showing us what you’ve achieved to date and where you hope your portfolio career will go.

Section 5: Skills and keywords

What are you really good at? What makes your offerings and services so unique? Is there a particular programme or software you’ve mastered? The skills section is the perfect place to shine a light on all the wonderful things you can do – and that includes your soft skills too!

We recommend choosing at least five skills that best describe your repertoire and highlight how diverse your offerings and capabilities truly are.

Choose your keywords wisely

So what are keywords? Keywords are any additional words or terms you might want to include on your profile to help you get found in search. If someone types a phrase in the search bar and it matches something on your profile, you’ll get found faster – so don’t neglect this section.

Let’s say one of your offerings is diversity and inclusion education. What words might someone use when searching for that specialisation? Do you have former employers worth naming, in case someone searches for them? Do you have some specific qualifications? Those are the words and phrases you want to include in your profile. That way, you show up in the search results when people are looking for someone with your specific skills and experience.

An added bonus is that the right keywords will also get you found on Google. TPC profiles are public, which means anyone searching your name or for your unique skill set can find you via a search engine. That means more visibility and opportunities for you – win-win!

Section 6: Website and social platforms

When you provide insight into the different parts of your personal and professional life, others understand more about who you are and what you do. Linking to your social networks and website makes it that much easier for other members and hiring managers to determine if you’d be the right fit for a project or collaboration.

It’s all part of your wider digital footprint. So don’t be afraid to share!

What does it mean to have a complete profile?

A blank profile won’t do anything for your career – but filling out all the sections will bring your story, your brand and your offerings to life. We know that it takes time to build a strong profile and maybe you’re the type of person who wants to chip away at it bit by bit. That’s absolutely fine. Just remember that the more you put it off, the less people will understand about you and what you have to offer.

That’s why we introduced a “profile checklist” to remind you that a complete profile isn’t an insurmountable task when you break it down into its individual parts.

Want to hit 100%? That’s easy. Just fill out all the main sections. Then, if you really want to stand out, consider fleshing things out even further. The more depth and insight you provide, the more likely you are to connect with relevant opportunities.

Your portfolio career will grow and evolve, so put time in to review your profile every few months so you can add in any new accomplishments and experiences as they come up.

Get inspired

Putting in the leg work now makes it so much easier down the line to connect with like-minded people and the best opportunities, and it will do wonders for your personal brand and, ultimately, your portfolio career.

Still not sure where to start? Look at some of our accredited mentors’ profiles for inspiration! 

And don’t be afraid to ask for advice. It’s important to clarify – to yourself and others – who you are as a portfolio professional and what your passions and differentiators are. We know it’s not an easy task, and the TPC team is always on hand to help out, so reach out if you’d like some feedback. That’s why we built The Portfolio Collective – to help each other out.

Think this sounds like the right path for you? Come along to our monthly Get started event for new members to find out what a portfolio career could look like and how The Portfolio Collective can help you take those first steps towards professional success – and don’t forget to connect with our community!

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