Home Courses Catapult Catapult FAQs

Catapult Course FAQs

Eager to learn more about the Catapult experience? We’ve put together answers to the most commonly asked questions. Take a look!

General FAQs

What is Catapult?

Catapult is an in-depth and practical course that provides you with the knowledge, tools, inspiration and accountability you need to successfully launch and sustain your portfolio career.

There are two ways you can take part in Catapult: as a self-paced course or with a cohort of other learners. The content is the same, but the experience is different. If you’re looking for a flexible course that you complete as and when you like, you may prefer our self-paced option. But if you’re looking for live sessions, feedback from experts and a cohort of individuals to lean on for support you may prefer our Catapult cohort option.

What is a portfolio career?

We get that a lot. Check out this handy article with more information about what a portfolio career can look like.

Can I still take part in Catapult if I’m working full-time?

Absolutely. If you’re thinking about signing up to the self-paced version of Catapult, all the sessions are pre-recorded which means you can watch them and complete the course work whenever suits you best.

The catapult cohorts are designed to fit around a busy schedule too. You’ll just need to dedicate a bit more time as you’ll be expected to join our weekly live sessions Wednesdays at 5pm (UK time). The rest of the course can be completed in your own time.


What is the curriculum like?

You’ll benefit from an extensive, all-in-one curriculum that covers everything from deciding on your portfolio approach; to setting up a website; to negotiating your first contract and budgeting your finances. You can learn more about our curriculum by visiting our course page.

Who is the course aimed at?

Catapult is designed for anyone looking to make a change in their career. You may be considering your options, have already started a portfolio career or be somewhere in between.

The course is split into two tracks: the Focused track, which is aimed at professionals who have already spent some time building up a niche and the Generalist track, which provides a broader overview of what’s possible and helps define and differentiate what you do.

If you’ve already started as a freelancer or have a side hustle, you may want some extra support and guidance in certain areas. If you’re facing redundancy or are looking to build a new career path for yourself, we can help you create your portfolio career from scratch.

What kind of support do you offer students who are having trouble with the course material?

We always want to hear from you if you’re experiencing any difficulties. Please contact [email protected] and we’ll endeavour to answer any questions as quickly as possible.

Where else can I learn more about Catapult?

If you have any other questions about the Catapult course, feel free to contact us directly – we’re more than happy to chat!

I signed up, but haven’t received any emails…help!

Double check your spam/junk folder in case your filters are a little sensitive. You can help this by adding [email protected] to your safe senders list in advance.

If you still can’t see any emails from us, please contact us and we’ll get you on your way.

I already pay for Pioneer Lite, what does that give me access to?

If you’re already a Pioneer Lite member you can access the self-paced version of Catapult at no extra cost. If you’d like to take part in our Catapult cohort, unlocking access to a network of like minded professionals, live discussion sessions and tailored feedback from experts, you can do so for a discounted price of £200. Find out more here.

Where can I find the course terms and conditions?

You can find our Catapult course terms and conditions here.

Self-paced Catapult FAQs

Do I have to do all the modules?

If you choose to do the self-paced version of Catapult, you don’t have to do all the modules – simply pick and choose the modules that matter most to you! We do however recommend you doing as many as you can so you get a full overview.

How long will it take to complete Catapult?

Everyone learns at their own pace and some people may choose to dip in and out of modules depending on their work schedule. That being said, we recommend completing at least 1 module each week.

Every module has a video learning session (ranging from 30-60 minutes) and you can expect to spend roughly 1 hour on the pre- and post-session activities per module.

How much does the self-paced version of Catapult cost?

To take part in the self-paced version of Catapult all you need to do is sign up to our Pioneer Lite membership – this costs £15/month. There are no additional fees or costs to take Catapult outside the membership fee.

Catapult cohort FAQs

Do I have to attend every live session?

We ask that you try to! The sessions are centred around a particular module each week, so if you miss one of the sessions you’ll miss out on all the learnings for that week. We know that sometimes things get in the way which is fine, but we ask that you aim for as close to 100% attendance as possible.

How does this work across different time zones? Do I have to be in the UK?

No, you don’t have to be in the UK. We aim to run our live discussion sessions at a time that suits the most time zones, which is why they’re held at 5pm (UK time). We’re always open to different times and suggestions, so please get in contact with the team if you have any feedback.

How much does it cost?

The Catapult cohort option for our course - where you learn alongside a set cohort and attend additional live sessions - is priced at £300. If you’re already a Pioneer Lite member we’re offering a discounted course fee of £200.

Will the live sessions be recorded?

Unfortunately the live sessions will not be recorded. We like to encourage sharing and vulnerability during the calls, so it doesn’t always feel appropriate for them to be recorded. This is why we recommend attending as many live sessions as possible - to avoid missing out!

How long does a Catapult cohort run for?

Our next Catapult cohort is kicking off on Wednesday 8th May and will be running until Wednesday 10th July. During the course we’ll complete one module each week, and will be taking w/c Monday 27th May to account for school holidays. 

For all the details on the cohort, download our course schedule here.

Once the course is finished will there be a dedicated forum for me and my classmates to communicate privately?

Yes! We create private groups on the platform for you all to engage in and host a weekly Pathfinder Check-In call for all Catapult graduates and Pioneer Lite members. This is the perfect place to tell us about your career development, get group feedback and gain that accountability that is so important in a portfolio career.

For all the details on the cohort, download our course schedule here.

Contact us

The first-ever Portfolio Career Festival is here

13 Nov 2024 | The Ministry of Sound, London

Join us for a transformative day of discovering, brand-building and networking.