I'm a founder, mentor, consultant, & community-builder. Ex-BCG, Amazon & military leader with battle scars from start-up, scale-up and corporate life. Passionate about mental health, I built a community platform to help veterans leaving the military who struggle. Consult on commercial & operational strategy, transformation & execution. Always up for coffee, walk & talks or any bonkers physical challenge 😉 that takes you off the beaten track
What I offer
Experienced Mentor & Advisor
I've made a tonne of mistakes on my start-up journey & want to help you avoid them
Co-founded & built 'vLancer' - a platform for veterans to reconnect with their ex-military community, build face-2-face connection and help those suffering from poor mental health before it is too late.
Problem solving, creating big visions and delivering outcomes
When plans, objectives or transformations hit stumbling blocks, I can jump in at short notice to help teams problem solve challenges, align to a common goal and resume progress - ultimately I help leaders regain control of delivery and execution and get the business back on track
Workshop & facilitate team performance, leadership & personal impact
Give talks, facilitate workhops, design retreats for teams to discuss difficult topics and create an environment for high performance. Topics incl. team dynamics, personal impact, relationship building, trust, integrity, conflict mgmt., communication, burnout, stress, mental health
Sales & BD in start-ups, scale-ups and large corporates
Built Sales and BD teams in all size of business:
- Amazon UK Marketplace - 33% YoY growth to over bn $ rev, built highest performing team
- scale up - doubled rev and built team for incredible edtech SaaS business
- start up - employee #9: develop processes and tools and win first customers
Indep. consultant (former-BCG strategy and transformation) with deep expertise in enabling PEOPLE to deliver growth, digital transformation, op model change, IT implementation, new product development, compliance, org design, performance mgmt
The military gave me the ability to adapt to different situations / cultures, think on my feet and react quickly.
Led troops on ops in Iraq and Afghanistan; mentored local military leaders; designed and delivered preparatory and in-country training for UK forces deploying on operations