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Common portfolio professionals fears (and how to reframe them)

Building a portfolio career is both a thrilling and daunting experience. You’re taking control of your time, your work and, by extension, your life, and that’s not something that happens overnight. It takes a lot of trial and error, and you’ll face plenty of rejection and failure along the way. But it also means you … Continued

The digital nomad workforce is here. Are you ready to join?

There was a time when the notion of working from the sandy shores of a tropical island felt like a pipedream – a fantasy world for stargazers and romantics. It was hard to believe we could live the lives that influencers led, snuggled cosy in a hammock with a laptop overlooking a crystal blue sea. … Continued

How to balance a side hustle with your day job

It’s never been easier to start a business, which is why so many people are joining the side hustle economy. But how do you manage a side hustle without leaving your day job and, by extension, that steady income you rely on, behind? The good news is that balancing both is totally achievable and increasingly … Continued

10 great productivity tools for portfolio professionals

Procrastination—it’s that monster constantly lingering over your shoulder, tempting you everytime you hear the ping of a WhatsApp message or the buzz of a push notification you haven’t checked yet. We’re all guilty of getting distracted. We let our minds wander when we know there are more important tasks at hand. And though it’s healthy … Continued

How to get the most out of Upwork

The world of freelancing has evolved quite substantially over the past few decades, and much of that is due to the rise of virtual and remote connectivity. These days, it’s much easier to set up a home working space and link with thousands of potential employers in an instant. Add to that the increasing number … Continued

Five things you should know when starting a portfolio career

Retrospect is a powerful tool in an online community. We learn together, we grow together and often we teach one another through personal experiences. It’s what helps us develop as people and as professionals, and it keeps us driving to do better every single day. The truth is that nobody gets something 100% right the … Continued

The best UK banks for independent professionals

Money is one of the leading causes of stress in most people’s lives. In fact, it’s often ranked in the top five biggest stressors, along with politics, marriage, divorce and changing jobs. So when you make the shift into a portfolio career, the looming thought of sorting out your finances can get a bit overwhelming. … Continued

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The first-ever Portfolio Career Festival is here

13 Nov 2024 | The Ministry of Sound, London

Join us for a transformative day of discovering, brand-building and networking.