Home Events Portfolio Career Festival 2024 | The Portfolio Collective

Your journey awaits

13 November 2024  |  The Ministry of Sound  |  London

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The first-ever portfolio career festival is here

Join us for a transformative day of discovery, brand-building, networking, planning and immersive experiences as we take you on a unique career development journey

portfolio professionals

career workshops

mainstage discussions

jam-packed day of learning and connectivity

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An incredible day of content

Every workshop and panel discussion has been expertly designed to help you navigate the diverse paths portfolio professionals embark on.

We’ll cover everything from the state of portfolio careers to building your personal brand and landing work, giving you the tools you need to reach the next stage in your career adventure.

Discover more with VIP

Why not start your day with an intimate discussion at our VIP breakfast? Engage in a focused conversation about how to excel as a portfolio professional and enjoy exclusive networking with other TPC leaders in a small group setting.

As an added bonus, you’ll receive some of our new range of TPC branded merchandise, plus 3 free months of our Pioneer Lite membership.

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What’s included?

Interactive workshops

3 mainstage talks

Networking opportunities

End of conference drinks



What’s included?

VIP breakfast

Exclusive merch in your delegate bag

3 free months of Pioneer Lite

Unlimited bubbly for 60 min

Plus, everything in the standard pass


Book your tickets today.

We’ve got several passes to choose from – pick the package that best suits you!

Interested in sponsoring this event?

We’ve got a range of packages available. Get in touch for more information.


Contact us