Having operated at the top of UK Defence, I am seeking to bring my experience and skills to commercial boards. I have a passion for motivating multi-cultural teams, for strategy development and management of complex organisations. An inclusive and decisive leader, team player and diversity champion, comfortable at interaction all levels from Government to the shop floor.
What I offer
President Royal Naval Officers' Charity
Providing benevolence to the target community through management of a £16m investment portfolio.
Strategy Development for UK Defence Strategic Command
Led the strategy development for a new 22000-strong organization running the workshops and communications culminating in the creation of an innovative proposition for a Government-review that resulted in a £12Bn uplift over 10 years (50%) in an otherwise constrained resource environment.
Three decades of leadership experience at tactical and strategic levels and at home and abroad. Instinctive motivator with extensive experience of developing and inspiring multi-cultural teams. Most recently led a headquarters of 1000, made up from 30 nationalities on a transformational journey.